LINK BUILDINGlinks are unseen but very important to your page ranking successWhat are links? When you click on a piece of highlighted text and it takes you to another page or another website, that is a link. All links work the same but for our purposes they can be divided into what we will call forward links, back links and internal links. They are explained below from least to most important.
forward link strategyForward links are least important but still important is a backwards sort of way. What we mean by forward links are ones from your site to another website. It is OK and natural if you link to a couple of other sites. But each time you do, you transfer a bit of your ranking power to that other site and diminish your site's power a bit. So be restrained in the use of links to other sites.
internal linking strategyInternal links are ones between pages in your own site. These are important for two reasons.
1. These links make it easier for customers or potential customers to move around your website. The easier you make it to explore your website and the longer they stay, the more likely they will contact you in some fashion. This is also the reason good content is so important as discussed on the content creation page. (This is an example of an internal link.) 2. The search engines like to see internal links because it helps people doing a search have a richer experience. It also indicates that you have put more time and effort into your website which they like. back link strategy - critical to seo, ranking and lead generationA back link is when another site links to your site. There are also two reasons why back links are important.
There are some nuances to the back links that you need to be aware of. There are three factors that come into play
On occasion, we have seen some bad links set up by some large SEO companies for their clients. It is possible that they subcontracted this work out and the subcontractors cut corners. |
enchanted marketing linking services
Enchanted Marketing can set up high quality links for you. To find out more, fill out the form above or call the number below. We can help you wherever you are in the United States. We are located in Baltimore,Maryland and serve customers in Annapolis, MD, Bel Air, MD, Columbia, MD, Washington DC among other places in the region.